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dc.contributor.authorГрищенко, Неля Іванівна-
dc.identifier.citationKornilov V.S., Pyvovarova N.P., Hryshchenko N.I. Theoretical and methodological principles for determining the contradictions of the system of sociological support of aviation activity. The Eighth World Congress “ Aviation in the XXI-st century” // Aviasion in the XXI –st century: the eighth world Congress (Kyiv, 10-12 October, 2018 year) – Kyiv: NAU, 2018. – p. 38-41.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the theoretical and methodological principles of the definition of existing contradictions in the system of ensuring the activity of the aviation sphere of the state, including its sociological elementuk_UA
dc.publisherNational Aviation Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectaviation activityuk_UA
dc.subjectsociological supportuk_UA
dc.subjectsociological support of aviation sphereuk_UA
dc.subjectSocio-psychological supportuk_UA
dc.titleTheoretical and methodological principles for determining the contradictions of the system of sociological support of aviation activityuk_UA
dc.subject.udc316:159.9.629.735 (045)uk_UA
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