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Showing results 1038 to 1057 of 41672 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-09-26Damped Micromechanical HyroverticalFilyashkin, Mykola; Філяшкін, Микола Кирилович; Smirnov, Oleg; Смірнов, Олег Ігорович
2011-05-25Danges of genetic engineeringKim, Valeria; Vostrikova, Victoria; Lepuha, Nataliya; Isay, Alina; Martynenko, Vita
2020Darknet як інструмент криміналізації політичного процесу: міжнародна та вітчизняна практикаБурдін, Петро Петрович
2018-04Das Phänomen der Mehrsprachigkeit und seine Formen in der modernen Europäischen GesellschaftDanyliuk Y.V.
2021Data journalism as a factor of sustainable city developmentKachura, Maryna Serhiivna; Качура, Марина Сергіївна
2022-06Data Mining algorithms for analyzing the customer base of a mobile operatorZhezhel, Y.S.; Жежель, Я.С.
2016-02-23Data Representing and Processing in Expert Information System of Professional Activity AnalysisZariskyi, Oleg; Pavlenko, Petro; Tolbatov, Andriy
2016Data representing and processing in expert information system of professional activity analysisПавленко, Петро Миколайович; Zaritskyi, O.; Tolbatov, A.
2016-02Data Representing and Processing in Expert Information System of Professional Activity AnalysisЗарицкий, Олег; Павленко, Петро Миколайович; Толбатов, Андрій
2023-04Data science driven ecision makingБогатирьов, Є.; Bohatyrov, Ye.
2022-09-30Database structure for aircraft fleet reliability managementYakushenko, O.; Popov, O.; Simakhina, N.
2024-05Dealing with Non-equivalence: A Case of Rendering Latvian Ethnographic Lexis in English TranslationRomanova, Olga; Dergača, Elīna
2013-05-21Dealing with Translation Mistakes: Teaching ESL to Italian and Ukrainian StudentsShurma, Svitlana; Casula, Gian Paolo
2018-03Decay of moral values in F.S. Fitzgerald`s novel "The Great Gatsby"Dovbush, Oksana
2022-10Decentralized electronic voting system based on blockchain technologySuprun, O.; Savorona, N.; Супрун, О.; Саворона, Н.
2023-04Decision making by an air traffic controller in emergenciesAdamanov, Rustem; Адамов, Рустем Бекірович
2016Decision making in complex systemsChurina, O.I.
2016Decision making in complex systemsChurina Oleksandra
2019-06-22Decision making in conditions of multi-alternativeness and uncertaintyGoncharenko, Andriy Viktorovich