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dc.contributor.authorКутлахмедов, Юрий Алексеевичru
dc.contributor.authorМатвеева, Ирина Валерьевнаru
dc.contributor.authorРодина, Виктор Владимировичru
dc.descriptionРадиоактивность и радиоактивные элементы в среде обитания человека. Материалы IV Международной конференцииru
dc.description.abstractTo estimate the influence of a radiating irradiation separately, and also in a combination with the entering on nutritious environment of salts of toxic metals, on the condition of the ecosystem of the plant the use a sensitive parameter - factor of radiocapacity. The factor of radiocapacity, as was specified above, on the basis of the a radioecological concept. It is necessary to emphasize, that radiocapacity is defined as a limit depute of radionuclides in ecosystems and out of pointed there can be an oppression or destruction of biota ecosystems. It is shown, that the slope of the ecosystem has general high holding ability and does not suppose receipt of the radionuclides by a man with probability (reliability above than - 5*10^-4). The given estimation means, that out of all stock of radionuclides in the ecosystem (in a wood) the population gets no more than 0,05%. This ability holds the reliability of radionuclides in ecosystem, provides the human population with rather low doses, for the people using this slope ecosystem. Using GIS technology and our analysis of reliability of a landscape and its holding ability we construct cards of radiating capacity of a concrete landscape close KIEV in "KONCHA-ZASPA". The constructed cards have allowed to simulate and to estimate dynamics of distribution and redistribution of radionuclides in a landscape and have shown perspective of the approach to ecology from the positions of the theory of radiocapacity and reliability.en
dc.publisherИздательство Томского политехнического университета, Томск, РФru
dc.subjectблагополучие экосистемыru
dc.subjectфактор радиоемкостиru
dc.subjectкамерные моделиru
dc.subjectсклоновая экосистемаru
dc.titleАнализ и исследование надежности экосистем на примере склоновых экосистемru
dc.specialityТехнические наукиru
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій співробітників кафедри екології

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