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Title: Екологістика, утилізація та рециклінг транспортних засобів: тенденції та перспективи розвитку
Authors: Бойченко, Сергій Валерійович
Лейда, Казимір
Іванченко, Оксана Володимирівна
Keywords: ecologistics
motor transport recycling
air transport recycling
secondary raw materials
Issue Date: 20-Apr-2016
Publisher: Наукоємні технології (Science-Based Technologies)
Series/Report no.: ;Том 30, № 2
Abstract: In the article the relationship of environmental logistics as a new scientific direction in ecology and economy, the problems of utilization and recycling of waste was discussed. The problem of transport sector wastes in Ukraine and abroad was studied. The necessity of recycling vehicles that becomes out of service was proved. The ecological problems related to gathering and recycling of vehicles and their components was considered. The significance and feasibility of recycling processes in transport wastes life cycle was proposed and estimated
ISSN: 2075-0781 (Print)
2310-5461 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Публікації у наукових виданнях співробітників кафедри екології

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