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Title: Resource potential for biogas production in Ukraine
Authors: Павлюх, Леся Іванівна
Бойченко, Сергій Валерійович
Онопа, Валерія Василівна
Тихенко, Оксана Миколаївна
Топільницький, Петро Іванович
Романчук, Вікторія Володимирівна
Keywords: potato peelings
fallen leaves
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Chemistry and chemical technology
Series/Report no.: Chemical technology;
Abstract: The organic waste was evaluated to be used for the biogas production in compliance with an acute need to reduce the consumption of traditional energy resources. The possibility of using organic waste (corn, straw, branches, fallen leaves, potato peelings) for the biogas production was experimentally confirmed. The influence of the initial fractions size and the temperature on the biogas yield has been studied. The yield of biogas produced from potato peelings was found to be the highest one.
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ISSN: 1996-4196
Appears in Collections:Публікації у наукових виданнях співробітників кафедри екології

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