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Title: Effect of Arab Spring on Shia Crescent
Authors: Kurudal, Orhan
Keywords: Arab Spring
Shia Crescent
Islamic revolution
middle east region
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Publisher: Талком, Київ
Citation: Kurudal O. Effect of Arab Spring on Shia Crescent // Національна ідентичність в мові і культурі: збірник наукових праць / за заг.ред. О.Г. Шостак. – К.: Талком, 2020. – С.288
Abstract: In Iran, the Islamic Revolution took place under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini. After the Iran islam revolution, Iran has been trying to expand Shi'ism with the policy of idealism in the Middle East Region. This policy of Iran was perceived as expansionism by Sunni Arab countries. Due to this expansionist behavior, Iran has been accused of blockade the Sunni States by creating a Shia Crescent but Iran hasn't accepted these accusations. Iran used the concept of the Resistance Axis, which was put forward to defend Iran, Iraq and North Korea, which the US accused as evil axis, used it as a thesis against the Shia crescent concept. Although Iran doesn't accept the Shia crescent discourse, Iran has been acting in line with this discourse since the past by supporting the Shia people in Lebanon, Iraq and Bahrain and creating an organization of Shia origin in Lebanon.
ISBN: 978-617-7832-35-4
Appears in Collections:Національна ідентичність в мові і культурі. XIII Міжнародна конференція

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