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Title: Impact of automous vehicles on workplaces
Other Titles: Вплив автоматичних транспортних засобів на робочі місця
Authors: Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна
Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna
Bortnik, Yurii
Dohonova, Karina
Keywords: вплив
автоматичні транспортні засоби
робоче місце
automous vehicles
Issue Date: Nov-2020
Publisher: National aviation university
Citation: Shevchenko Yu., Bortnik Y, Dohonova K. Impact of automous vehicles on workplaces // Innovative technologies. - Kyiv, 2020. S. 306—307
Abstract: Autonomous vehicles are an industry, which rapidly develops and it influences numerous spheres of our life: logistics, economy, service sector. In logistics, autonomous vehicles are very promising, as large companies have a great need for truck drivers. Self-driving trucks can solve this problem. The drivers will not lose their jobs but will help to develop this branch. They will be like the captain of an airplane, intervene in critical situations.
Description: Increasing demand for autonomous vehicles will create jobs for skilled workers, as mechanics, dispatchers, robotics, optimizer who can maintain the work of robots on warehouses and roads. However, the development of driverless cars and trucks will impact restaurants on the road, motels. The amount of them will decrease correspondently to the number of autonomous vehicles on roads. Also, it will influence unqualified workers, because they will be replaced by robots.
Appears in Collections:Матеріали конференцій кафедри організації авіаційних перевезень

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