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dc.contributor.authorTykhonova, Veronika Oleksiivna-
dc.contributor.authorMedynskyi, Denys Volodymyrovich-
dc.identifier.citationTykhonova V. O., Medynskyi D. V. Statement of the problem of optimization of production management in case of accumulation of delayed aircraft / V. O. Tykhonova , D. V. Medynskyi // Інноваційні технології: матеріали наук.-техн.конф. студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих учених / за заг. ред. П. В. Горінова, К. О. Бабікової , Л. М. Мельничук; ІНТЛ НАУ (м. Київ, 25-26 листоп. 2020 р.). - К., 2020. - C. 383-389.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe present article deals with the mathematical formulation of the problem of determining the optimal release queue for delayed flights with a cluster of aircraft. In these abstract the only interesting thing is the change in costs while changing the delayed aircraft queue management parameters. Also, to obtain the dependence of costs on the duration of the delay, the terms of the costs for the delay of each flight were analyzed.uk_UA
dc.publisherNational Aviation Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectproduction managementuk_UA
dc.subjectoptimization of production managementuk_UA
dc.subjectaccumulation of delayed aircraftuk_UA
dc.subjectdelayed flightsuk_UA
dc.titleStatement of the problem of optimization of production management in case of accumulation of delayed aircraftuk_UA
dc.subject.udcUDC 656.71:005.4:629.7(043.2)uk_UA
Appears in Collections:XVII науково-технічна конференція студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих учених "Інноваційні технології"

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