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Title: Use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture
Authors: Godovskaya, Maria Arturovna
Medynskyi, Denys Volodymyrovich
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicles
aerial vehicles
agricultural aircraft
unmanned agricultural aircraft
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: National Aviation University
Citation: Godovskaya M. A., Medynskyi D. V. Use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture / M. A. Godovskaya, D. V. Medynskyi // Інноваційні технології: матеріали наук.-техн.конф. студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих учених / за заг. ред. П. В. Горінова, К. О. Бабікової , Л. М. Мельничук; ІНТЛ НАУ (м. Київ, 25-26 листоп. 2020 р.). - К., 2020. - C. 322-327.
Abstract: It is to review the development of UAV applications in the world and in Ukraine, to present a SWOT analysis of UAV applications, to outline a strategy for the development of unmanned agricultural aircraft in Ukraine.In recent years, various aspects of the creation and use of unmanned vehicles are being actively studied: cars, self-propelled vehicles, armored personnel carriers, aircraft for various purposes. Significant interest in this topic is observed in agriculture. There are many examples of successful use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to protect plants from diseases and pests
Appears in Collections:XVII науково-технічна конференція студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих учених "Інноваційні технології"

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