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Title: Modern digital technologies of the banking system
Other Titles: Сучасні цифрові технології банківської системи
Authors: Gankova-Ivanova, Zwetelina
Turova, Larysa
Keywords: digital technologies
banking activity
internet banking
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2021
Publisher: National Aviation University
Citation: Gankova-Ivanova Z., Turova L. Modern digital technologies of the banking system // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Finance: theory and practice». – K.: National Aviation University, 2021. – P.95-97.
Abstract: The necessity of using digital technologies in banking activity, which consists in the general improvement of customer service, is substantiated; reducing the bank's operating costs, speeding up banking operations and increasing the bank's competitiveness. Areas of introduction of information technology in banking are systematized on several grounds, namely: the creation of corporate computer systems; sale of banking services on the Internet; development of intrabank management system and their automation.
Description: 1. Vladyka J. P., Bezuhla L.S. and Turova L.L. Zdobutky ta novi vyklyky u dijal'nosti systemno vazhlyvyh bankiv v Ukrajini. Elektronnyj naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal «Infrastruktura rynku» (in Ukrainian) 2. Zastrozhnikova I.V. (2021), Vplyv didzhytalizaciji na kadrovu polityku v agrarnomu sektori, Investyciji: praktyka ta dosvid. 2021. № 4. pp. 77–81 (in Ukrainian)
Appears in Collections:Тези конференцій кафедри фінансів, обліку та оподаткування

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