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Title: Problevs and ways of improving the financial system
Authors: Malovychko, Andrіy
Tyshchuk, Daria
Keywords: financial system
problems of the financial system
ways to improve the financial system
improve the financial system
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2022
Publisher: National Aviation University
Citation: Malovychko A., Tyshchuk D. Problevs and ways of improving the financial system// Collection of materials international scientifically-practical conference «Finance, accounting and taxation: theory and practice» – K.: NAU, 2022. – P.50-52.
Abstract: Analyze the problems of the financial system of Ukraine. To propose ways to improve the financial system of Ukraine.The financial system is a set of its separate links that have peculiarities in the creation and use of funds of financial resources for the financial provision of the economic and social needs of society as a whole, its individual strata of the population, economic structures, individual citizens.
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