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Название: Методи підвищення ефективності протоколів квантової криптографії
Авторы: Жмурко, Тетяна Олександрівна
Ключевые слова: quantum cryptography
Дата публикации: 26-мар-2016
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Thesis is devoted to applied scientific research task to develop and study new, more efficient methods for ensuring sustainability of quantum cryptography qutrit protocols to noncoherent attacks; constructing trit generator of pseudorandom sequences and evaluation of its quality (possibility of using them in cryptographic applications). The results obtained in the thesis can be used to improve efficiency (security level and speed) of security systems based on quantum direct secure communication and quantum key distribution, and can be used for security procedures in traditional (non-quantum) cryptographic information security systems. In this work developed classification of quantum cryptography methods, which, by extending the set of known basic features, partial theoretical generalizations and study practical achievements in quantum cryptography, can expand opportunities for choosing appropriate methods to construct modern quantum information security systems (based on quantum direct secure communication and other quantum technologies). Was further developed a method for ensuring stability of quantum cryptography qutrit protocols, which, with the use of quantum integrity checking function and trit symmetric function, allows to minimize the amount of switching between protocol modes (message transmission and eavesdropping control), and increase speed by a factor of 4.4, while maintaining the resistance to non-coherent attacks. Also, was further developed a method of generating pseudorandom sequences, which, through the implementation of new operation sequence (substitutions, linear diffusion, dynamic rotate shift, modular 3 and 3l addition) over internal states vector allows to create ternary unbalanced pseudorandom sequences. In addition, further developed a method for evaluating pseudorandom sequence quality, which, through complex interpretation of generated numbers, by adding differentiated probability , ternary coefficients for the error function erfc and incomplete gamma function igamc, enables to evaluate the statistical parameters and laws of ternary pseudorandom sequences.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/18537
Располагается в коллекциях:Дисертації та автореферати спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.062.17

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