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Название: Навчання студентів за спеціальністю «Філологія» як молодих учителів іноземної мови нової української школи
Другие названия: Teaching students of speciality “Philology” as young teachers of foreign language of The New Ukrainian School
Авторы: Рудіна, Марина Володимирівна
Ключевые слова: competences of foreign language teacher
methods of teaching foreign language
young teachers
the new ukrainian school
Дата публикации: дек-2018
Издательство: Національний авіаційний університет
Библиографическое описание: Рудіна М.В. Навчання студентів за спеціальністю «Філологія» як молодих учителів іноземної мови нової української школи / Вісник національного авіаційного університетету: 2 № 13, 2018
Серия/номер: Вісник національного авіаційного університетету;2 № 13 (2018)
Педагогіка, психологія;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article is dedicated to modern approaches to teaching students of specialization “Philology” as young teachers of foreign language. The relevance of the problem has been growing by education practice requirements, targets formulated on the government level, pupils and their parents’ demands to the formation of foreign communicative competence as a human competitiveness basis on the international labour market. The role of schoolteacher has been emphasized. Students obtain their profession at the age from 16 to 25, and within this time students acquire future professional competence. Graduation from higher educational institution means getting profession and the status of a specialist. It is also highlighted that the academic courses of the following specialization are the resources of students’ education process as young teachers. It is shown the importance of academic course “Methods of Teaching English”. It is underlined the significance of social organizations and educational funds such as British Council and others, which promote innovative methods of teaching foreign language for both students and teachers. These methods are based on general values of education and imply interaction of teacher and student. The results of the research of particular professional demands of young teachers of foreign language are given. Improving of professional competence and skills are among the most popular. It is shown the importance of making course content and methods of conducting lectures more modern without changing teaching time and topics in the curriculum. These factors will contribute to a methodical mobility formation and professional competence of students as young teachers of The New Ukrainian School. Study and development of modern effective methods and techniques within “Methods of Teaching English” course for students of higher educational institution are defined to be perspective and need further scientific research.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/39704
ISSN: 2411-264Х
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові роботи НПП, докторантів та аспірантів кафедри англійської філології і перекладу

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